While nothing beats face-to-face engagement, especially with loved ones, sharing Chinese New Year stickers via WhatsApp or Telegram can be fun too! And so, we’ve created a set of Chinese New Year sticker pack for you to send well wishes to clients, friends and family! As with all our sticker packs… we have made a really cringe-worthy story out of these stickers… You: Happy New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai Client: Happy New Year as well! Hope this would be an awesome year. You: Of course – may you soar to greater heights in this year of the dragon! Client: Lol. Nice nice. Soar together! You: And not only that… what’s more important is good health and long life! Client: Yeah. Good health and abundance in every aspect of your life! You: Huat laaaa! Client: LOL. Okay la… here’s sending cai shen ye your way! Happy CNY once again! We bet the cai shen dao deng deng deng deng song is playing in your heads right now. Okay, hope that did not make any of you cringe too much (the entire Surer team sure did). So… is our sticker pack cringey enough for you to want it? See instructions as follow! While we would like to make it easy for you to get your hands on the sticker pack by downloading it, unfortunately, no such function is available that we can use quickly. So the simplest way which is reallllyyyy simple is as follows: Thank you and GONG XI FA CAI! May you and your business soar greater heights in this year of the dragon! It is fuss-free. No credit card or payment required.CNY Sticker Pack
How to get your sticker pack
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